if I were a brewery restaurant …….

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      SO, again, I’m watching one of those cooking shows (it’s a whole new world out there!), and this time I wrote down that it was “cheap eats” and the restaurant was Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee,- and they made “Beer Mac n Cheese with Pulled Pork” as a signature dish.  So of course, at that moment it looks totally yummy (and that host guy is making. an NSO face – more on that later for those unfamiliar with the acronym) and I decide I can make this! (Do we see a pattern emerging here?  at least I’m writing the show and restaurant on the ubiquitous post it notes now that I realize I’m actually going to TRY it!)

      Enter pasta, a pork shoulder, curly pasta, some smoked gouda and havarti on the grocery list and I take a stab at this starting Sunday.   I score the heck out of that pork shoulder (fat side up) as she did, use an espresso rub (why do people think there is an X in that word?) as she did, covered it with some roughly chopped mirepoix, poured beer over it and throw that puppy in the oven for SIX hours (yes, six!).   ok, as this didn’t happen until late afternoon on a lazy Sunday, I MIGHT have stopped watching the time and let it cook for 7 hours – OMG, I’m that chick on the Julie and Julia movie!  a tad dry, but very usable (thank goodness) and once the pan was cleaned up the next day, all was well.   However, my first attempt at the Mac from my post it note was WAY too rich and full of flavor, but strong (garlic, cheese, leeks, etc.).  and as I suspected, when I heard that all of those recipes were listed and you could get them – when you watch a chef/owner make something live, no, you don’t get the recipe online.

      sooooo, I took another stab Monday evening, and while it was still very Rich and Flavorful, I thought it quite good.   I loaded up some of both (Mac and pork), a little baggie of the panko/parm mix for the topping and dropped it off next door around 8pm.  and texted that there was another experiment on their porch.  even tho they’d eaten, Joe always sticks a fork in for a sneak taste if it looks good (and the Mac WAS still warm) and I got a text back…..  “that is pretty &*#!ing good!” (use your own expletive).   I took that as a win, sampled both versions of the Mac the next morning and agreed (the first one may not survive – and I rarely throw anything away – I HATE food waste!

      Pics below, as I eat the last of the GOOD Mac for lunch and VOW to document multiple recipes that I brought notes for as soon as I finish this blog  (and PS, just delivered Chile Rellenos V2 (MUCH improved) for their lunch before they leave for vaca – more on that later) – I want to live next door to me!

      oh, and I gained 3 lbs. since last week (when I was at a record low)

      me watching cooking shows:

      my “notes” i.e. what I started with:

      the dish (first and last plating):


      and the pork makes great street tacos!



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