better breakfast bites!

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      You all know I’m not a huge traditional breakfast gal (maybe too much time in Europe 🙂 – probably make myself an egg something about twice a month (and then it’s usually an omelet that’s more veggies than egg!) – I used to eat oatmeal, yogurt and fruit a lot, but kinda got away from that for some unknown reason.   now, I reach for soup (my warmth as I don’t drink coffee) or some leftover in the fridge (I like my neighbors remark “the best thing in the fridge at that moment is what I have for breakfast” – after eating my soup one morning).

      Well this weekend was a little different.  I got up Saturday morning and thought about the hand whisked hollandaise I’d brought home from my exam the day before, and my desire to continue to perfect that poached egg procedure (the key is the water temp – it must be 180! – tho it was a tiny bit higher when I put in my last one in class – which WAS pronounced “perfect” by Chef!).   SO, I pulled an English muffin and some Canadian bacon out of the freezer – and a lovely Eggs Bene was created and I thoroughly enjoyed it! (I normally make this for my kids at Christmas as they are big fans, but rarely for myself alone!)

      Then Sunday, I went out early (senior hour) to Whole Foods and picked up some multigrain bread (something I don’t buy often – bread!), and came home and made a breakfast sandwich with eggs, bacon, provolone and a little home made mayo (in hindsight it needed a little arugula as well – which I had in the fridge!)

      Both Yummy – Pics below – post to come soon about soup!

      Eggs Bene Bites:


      Mc S’wich (or is that “Vic S’wich)”  bites:

      Making Mayo thursday (no I do NOT handwhisk at home!):

      Lemon Bucatini (becoming a yummy habit!):


      • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Vicki.
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