a challenging bake day

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      hmmmm – I said baking was more fun than I expected – and it IS (tho I’m still not sure what effect bringing sugar into my world has had – I was SO tired early last evening, I can only describe it as a “sugar crash” I fear – good news, I ate a sandwich and eventually recovered enough to clean my kitchen.

      BUT, I showed up yesterday – excited to have Chef LaSorella subbing for us (of maisonette mousse fame – she used to be the pastry chef there!) – she’s my academic advisor, but I’ve not had a class with her yet. We started by trimming one of the cakes that we made 3 weeks ago – the devils food, as we were going to add layer filling (raspberry mousse – YUM!) and ganache icing.  My cake was grossly undercooked (as were a few others in the small class) even tho I cooked it to the allotted time I was instructed (think creme brûlée problem – DAMNED convection ovens!), so I ended up with a cake with “brownie” like consistency in the middle – impossible to cut into 3 layers, and thus barely made it with 2 layers.

      That just kind of kicked off the day, which went awry in so many ways and culminated in my dirty dish tub knocking over my “Sani water bucket” onto the floor when I went to wash that last batch of dishes.

      The home-made vanilla ice cream was TO DIE FOR, tho I fear that the raspberry swirls we added after churning may make it a bit too sweet for me -and no pics as that had to be left in the freezer for another combo dessert plate next week.

      So, drumroll…. the challenge cake (which still tastes amazing!)!

      HA!  I faked you out if you came here from the FB page – this is my friend Renee’s perfect cake – I want to BE Renee when I grow up! (at least my baking self!)

      me practicing piping with my “whipped” ganache – should have practice more 🙁

      My final product – I picked the one that showed my poor piping skills the least (but it TASTES fabulous – that raspberry mousse is awesome!)


      • This topic was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Vicki.

        Yum! I’ll have to see if I can dig up the pics of the cakes Johan & I made – it was a hoot. They looked soooo bad but tasted soooo good. It was a quarantine event last year!


          Niiiiiceeee – Baking can be fun for us creative type cooking folks.  Try to eat some protein before you eat sweets, it will help avoid the glucose peaks. (experience).  Love that you are enjoying your classes. G


            Carrie – that was exactly the case – looked bad but tasted SOOO good (even the slightly underdone cake – tasted kinda like a gooey brownie!

            Grant – I never had to have a strategy to eat sweets before – will try that!  as avoiding them seems to be nearly impossible!


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