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      my humble apologies – since reactivating the blog last January, I’ve never gone more than a couple of weeks without something for my loyal fans, but it has been 2 months – and a LOT going on in that time not that you didn’t miss some yummy bites in there, but not sure if I’ll have time to catch up on those or not! –  as there is a lot going on NOW.  I started the 2nd semester of school this week – with both a cooking lab AND a baking lab – so there is much to talk about!

      First – I can’t tell you how happy I am to be back LEARNING again and not just cooking at home. I truly LOVE culinary school!   This semester I’m taking not only my cooking Lab (102), but a baking Lab as well – so there should be some fun stuff to share!

      Quick fun from week one!

      Cooking – I was QUITE proud of my first lab this semester as I skinned and filleted a whole Dover Sole, made stock from his bones, velouté from the stock and then poached him in stock and wine over sautéed shallots and mushrooms, then a great sauce from the liquid and velouté (Sole Bonne Femme) – served with Chateaux  (Tournée)  Potatoes and braised Spinach – SUPER YUM!!! best dinner I’ve had in a while! (tho I’d already been critiqued and started eating when I remembered to capture this plate). first is class, 2nd @ home, and I just grabbed a pic of sole from the i’net.



      Baking – I’ve not done much baking since I was a kid and was responsible for keeping the family in desserts – specified by my Dad (the ultimate dessert lover), and I’m not a big sweets or dessert eater, but this was a required class and thus I registered (and made my neighbors very happy to anticipate product on Fridays 🙂 but I have to say, this first class was SO much fun – I could change my attitude on this before it was over.  Soft Dinner Rolls with poppy and sesame seeds and Cheddar Biscuits (the latter were just ok, but the rolls are pretty yummy when warm!


      • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Vicki.
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