Grant and I go Greek!

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      yes, you all know my foodie friend Grant (who most frequently comments here on my blog!), he drove in to take me to eye surgery Monday and stay a couple of days and said he wanted to cook greek food while here. SOOOOO, I looked up the latest book by my favorite greek chef to follow – Diane Kochilas (thanks to Marianna and Jorge for turning me on to her – and they actually MET her – JELLY!), and bought a copy for him at the local bookstore and got the ingredients for Moussaka (which I’ve never made).  Diane did not have a traditional recipe online (well she had an artichoke one, not eggplant) so I did my usual research and came up with one that looked good.

      He arrived, saw the book on my table and started laughing, it turns out that he had asked for a recommendation at HIS local book store and ended up bringing me the EXACT same book!  go figure – My Greek Table, named after her series on Amazon Prime.  If you don’t know much about Diana, she hails part time from Ikaria – one of the worlds blue zone spots and has been touted as the “Julia Child of Greek cooking”.

      So we started Sunday evening with a lemon hummus (from yet another book be brought for me (Ottolenghi) and it was yummy.

      Monday we took it easy (post op) and decided (after making bucatini to go with the yummy meatballs, homemade sauce that he brought) to watch some of her series – we were both immediately addicted!!   watched 5 episodes and he wanted to make her “Ikaria longevity greens pies – in phyllo dough” so we got those ingredients yesterday.

      So last night (Tues, we made that (we added his homemade feta to some – YES!) and the Moussaka – both more labor intensive than we thought, but tons of fun and super yummy!    KEEPERS!!   had a pie for b’fast and I’m having Moussaka for dinner tonight (as it finished around 11pm).   pics below – enjoy!

      THE book:

      The Lemon Hummus (and it’s book:)


      The Longevity Pies:



      the Moussaka!!

      in progress:


      the final product (yes, I HAD to nibble!) and the wine!



      • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Vicki.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Vicki.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Vicki.
      billy buckstar

        looks and sounds delicious!


          It WAS Bill!   🙂

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