equipment matters!

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      I hate waste, and of more than just food (or wine), I’m that person who uses the bar soap until it’s just a sliver – no I didn’t grow up in a depression (not THAT old), just a weird quirk of mine.   yes, I have things from a long forgotten wedding too many years ago to admit to (who needs to replace a cheese shredder or wooden spoon?) – and a lot of boxes of food type equipment in the basement yet to be unpacked (doesn’t everyone own a pasta making machine and 2 Paella pans? – you don’t know how many folks you will have to serve!

      One of my most important pieces of cooking equipment – which I use daily – is my cutting board (not that I don’t have others – plastic for raw meat, smaller ones, etc.). But there is that ONE that pretty much lives in my “cooking spot” on the island (conveniently next to stove, sink, trash and my favorite ceramic bowl of produce.   thanks to whomever designed that space!) and that bowl is one I carried on my lap back from the Amalfi coast, but I’ve likely mentioned that before – LOVE that bowl!  ….but back to the cutting board.  I’ve had this guy for YEARS and I love the little grooves around the edges and it probably wasn’t even really expensive, it just works (again why replace it?) But, I must have let it stay damp for too long a couple of weeks ago, and it finally buckled and wouldn’t lay flat on the counter (can’t have that rocking while you are cutting).   pic below.  bummer.

      Off I go to research and a comparison report had some surprisingly affordable alternatives.  I selected a bamboo (with grooves around the edges) – but then noticed there was a deal on a bundle of 3. SO, having already done upgrades to my knife collection in the last year (anticipating those cooking workshops in my kitchen that I envisioned PRE COVID, dammit!), of course I ordered the bundle.

      They arrived from amazon quickly – they are beautiful! – the middle size exactly replaces the damaged one, they lay completely flat on the counter and I can’t believe how HAPPY I am and how much I smile every time I use them!  It’s the little things, but it’s bringing me joy when I cook.

      Yes, Equipment. Matters.

      the problem (note the edge of said beloved bowl):

      the solution (aren’t they pretty?):


      just a ham and cheese sandwich this morning with home made mayo and garden tomatoes – YUM!:

      can you see me smiling?


      • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Vicki.
      • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Vicki.
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