catch up blogging – FOOD!

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      OK!   so, I’ve done it again – but this time because I’ve been doing so much yard work (and it’s paying off I might add – will post some pics on my personal FB page).  but there HAS been some cooking going on, so I’m going to do a few of the super yum meals separately – those that warrant special attention and their own posts – and this one will just catch you up on what else I’ve been cooking in the last 2+ weeks.  it’s just so hard to be inside before the evenings lately!  so yes, you have to WAIT for the really good ones – anticipation!

      First, I perfected that Po’ Boy on the third try – by getting the right bread and adding a dash of “slap ya mama” as recommended by my “kids” in NOLA


      Next, I made a really interesting “refrigerator omelette” and put that garlic cilantro sauce (from the previous sloppy shrimp taco post) on it – was mighty tasty if I say so myself!


      Those sloppy shrimp taco’s are becoming a thing (I’ve probably had 6 of them in 2 weeks, I’m addicted to the sauce!) – and I’ve decided 2 new things must ALWAYS be in my fridge – home made mayo (it’s SO easy!) from the chicken salad post and citrus, jalapeño pickled shallots (and you can just keep adding more onions!) … so the sauce and taco slaw (that’s made from the sauce above) is now made with the “good” mayo – the the onions end up lots of places (burgers) … taco here for me and pictured in a trio for friends – with Mexican street corn (you’ll hear more about THAT later!)


      and last, I thawed out a Costco sized thing of bacon, so I did a shootout with the air fryer and the oven (the former perhaps a tiny bit better, but both great) and made a yummy BLAT! (avocado) – can’t wait for yummy tomatoes from my garden – the plants have blooms now!


      So hopefully I’ve given you SOME “food for thought” (and if you missed me, you are better now) and I’ll try to do another one daily until I catch up!  some bites to share out there!  hope I’ve whetted your appetite – would love some of you to share your bites!!



      • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Vicki.
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