a new world

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      Forgive me father, for it’s been 2 weeks since my last food post.

      and I’m happy to report, that the friends who care and call are requesting that I continue these posts – not just those of the pup!  🙂 Not sure how many are really reading me here, but I know folks are at least seeing the posts and some of the pics on FB.   SO, where have I been?   letting the craziness of the tragedy in our world,  the isolation of living alone under guidelines, the fear of those who “don’t get it”, and some hurt/disappointment get to me.  and I know I’m not alone. in the beginning, I was cooking every evening (as a reward :-), but with increased fear of grocery shopping more than once a week and the aforementioned, it’s been less frequent. we can let it get to us for a couple of weeks, but not for months.  hence I’ve chosen to hit my low “peak” and start working on an attitude and routines that I can sustain a bit longer.  thanks for your patience and continued support.

      On a positive note, thank GOODness I got the pup when I did! (see my other personal FB page for adorable pics!)  and the sharing of her with Nora and her family next door has been really helpful as we’ve sort of adopted each other – from a distance :-). and I HAVE been walking both pups every day and cooking every 2nd or 3rd night (and almost reached a milestone weigh tloss this morning (.25 more lbs!)

      So I’m going to catch up with a few photo’s and promise to get back to more frequent “confessions” LOL

      moving backwards:

      pork meatballs in tomatillo sauce this week (shared via porch with Carrie, Joe and Jenn): and yes, the recipe is here


      “healing” creamy chicken pasta soup (a fave breakfast, I know I’m weird) – made last week – shared

      short ribs in progress for a dinner I prepared for a friend couple last week (left on porch) zinfandel braised short ribs, goat cheese creamy grits and carmelized Brussels Sprouts.  they loved it! (and neither of us took finished pics!  LOL. (but you can see the ribs in the shootout blog post)

      refrigerator stir fry last week – (no recipe) – shared and they actually liked it!


      Zinfandel Ribs (in progress) and Jambalaya – another food drop for Kim and Mike 10 days ago!

      and Jenn loved the latter!  I will have to make more!


      • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Vicki.
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