walnut grill wexford …. a struggle

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      Walnut Grill in Wexford has always been a fun bar, albeit noisy and seems to have some regular crowd that only lends credibility to a fave watering hole.  Last year when Erica was in town from CA, we sat on the patio and had the smoked bourbon/scotch drinks and were suitably impressed with the presentation and the drinks (pics on FB and below), etc. and the appetizers were good (as usual).

      Looking for a repeat of the lovely evening, Erica, Julie, Dawn and I went back this year when the girls were back in Pittsburgh – too cold to sit outside, we opted for a table in the dining room (a first for me).

      Our waiter was quite nice and personable, smiling and joking, however it was 40 minutes after being seated before we had drinks…..and to be fair, we probably didn’t order until his 2nd visit to the table and as we learned first time that smoked drinks are only in the bar (fair enough) – tho he did keep repeating that she wanted the “MClellen” scotch, when she kept saying no, McCallan, but ok, cute. Appetizers arrived in a timely manner and were “ok” and they were very accommodating with Erica’s vegetarian request. He asked Dawn if she wanted another drink and disappeared, 10 minutes later as dinner was served, he asked if we wanted anything else and then looking at Dawn’s empty glass said “OH, your drink is coming” and Erica ordered a glass of wine, 10 minutes later (as we were half done with dinner, he came back again empty handed and said “what wine did you want again?”   Finally, as we finished dinner, the other 2 drinks arrived.  Simply a struggle and we escaped.

      We moseyed into the bar for our smoked drinks and preso (having truly talked this up to Dawn, the newby) and were told by the waitress at our booth that the bartender was too busy to come out, but he would make them if we went to the bar to watch (the place had been jammed the last visit unlike the 40% now, but apparently, there was more than one person that could do so then?) … we all crowded up to the corner and he did smoke the drinks, but ran off to make 2 other drinks in between every step and I’m not sure it was quite the same level of care, much less experience.    Perhaps this should not be on the menu?

      I must say, it was the least impressed I’ve ever been with this venue!

      However, the company and conversation were awesome!!!  such a treat and thoroughly redeemed the evening!  😉

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Vicki.
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